In IndexedDB, transactions are automatically committed when all the requests associated with the transaction are successfully completed. If you want to keep a transaction alive for a longer period, you can use the setInterval
function to periodically perform a trivial operation within the transaction. This prevents the transaction from timing out and being automatically committed.
Here’s a simple example in JavaScript:
// Opening a database var request ='yourDatabase', 1); var db; request.onerror = function(event) { console.log('Error opening database'); }; request.onsuccess = function(event) { db =; // Start a transaction var transaction = db.transaction(['yourObjectStore'], 'readwrite'); // Perform a trivial operation within the transaction periodically var keepAliveInterval = setInterval(function() { // Trivial operation (e.g., get or put operation) var objectStore = transaction.objectStore('yourObjectStore'); var getRequest = objectStore.get('someKey'); getRequest.onsuccess = function() { // Do something trivial with the result console.log('Transaction is still alive.'); }; getRequest.onerror = function() { console.log('Error in trivial operation.'); }; }, 5000); // Repeat every 5 seconds (adjust as needed) // Continue with your main transaction logic here... // For example, adding a record to the object store var mainOperation = transaction.objectStore('yourObjectStore').put('someValue', 'someKey'); mainOperation.onsuccess = function() { console.log('Main operation completed.'); }; mainOperation.onerror = function() { console.log('Error in main operation.'); }; // Commit the transaction when everything is done transaction.oncomplete = function() { clearInterval(keepAliveInterval); // Stop the keep-alive interval console.log('Transaction committed.'); }; };